Can a Canvas visitor be added to an OSU Canvas Studio site?

Yes, a Canvas visitor (non-OSU individual) can be added to OSU Canvas Studio sites. They cannot be added to Canvas courses managed by the Registrar's Office.

Read the article Add a non-OSU individual to a Canvas Studio site on

Can I add someone to my Canvas course?

Instructors can add an OSU individual to their Canvas course as a Canvas teaching assistant (TA), Grader, Designer, or Observer via the Add TA...* link on the course navigation menu. Instructors cannot add students to their Canvas courses. Learn how to use the Add TA... tool and the permissions of each role.

Can I adjust the due date on an assignment for one or a subset of students?

Yes, Canvas refers to this as creating a differentiated assignment and these assignments allow an instructor to provide an alternative due date for one or more student or assign a graded activity in Canvas to a subset of students, e.g. a graduate student-only assignment.

Read more about adjusting the due dates on a Canvas assignment for a subset of students.

Can I contact students through Canvas based on their current grade in the course??

Yes, Canvas has built a Canvas Analytics tool that will allow an instructor to message students based on their current course grade. Be certain that you have entered zeros for any missing work and posted scores for any assignments that have been completed. This ensures that the current grade for the course is most accurate.

Read the article How do I send a message to all students based on specific course criteria in New Analytics?

Can I copy (import) content from one Canvas course into another?

Yes, you can copy content from any course in which you have 'edit' permissions to any other course in which you have 'edit' permissions.

Read more about copying content from one Canvas course into another.

Can I create a column in the Canvas gradebook for an in-class assignment?

Columns in the Canvas gradebook are directly linked to graded activities in the course. Creation of a graded assignment, graded discussion, graded quiz or a graded survey will result in the creation of an associated gradebook column in the course.

Read more about creating an assignment column for an in-class assignment.

Can I download my videos? Can I allow others to download my videos?
Can I enable Turnitin on a Canvas assignment?

Yes, Turnitin originality check is now an option for any Canvas File Upload assignment. Instructors can use all of the Canvas File Upload features in the assignment, including rubrics, group assignments, and peer review. Instructors can view Turnitin scores and reports from the Canvas gradebook or from SpeedGrader. Students can view their reports and assignment scores from their Grades page in Canvas.

Read the article Use Turnitin (plagiarism checking) on a Canvas Assignment on

Can I enter assignment grades in Turnitin, and if so, do they appear in the Canvas gradebook?

A. Yes, although not with a mobile device at this time. 

Can I get statistics/analytics for my media?

Yes, check out our Knowledge Base article on viewing statistics/analytics about your Kaltura videos.

Can I request a new feature or tool in Canvas?

Yes, you can submit a feature request in the Canvas Community. It’s a good idea to check the Canvas Community to see if any other users have requested the same or similar feature. You may also contact the Learn@OregonState team if you have questions about the process or would like to submit a request for a third-party integration or would like to know more about our evaluation process for integration requests.

Can I request my own Canvas studio site?

Yes, any person with ONID credentials can request a studio site.

Read the article Request a Canvas studio site on

Can I view grade information and Last Date of Activity (LDA) for students who have withdrawn from my course?

Yes, students who have withdrawn from your course will appear as 'inactive' students in your Canvas course. Faculty can toggle the view of grades for inactive or concluded students in Canvas Grades.

Can students access a Canvas site to finish an Incomplete?

Yes, if instructors give an Incomplete, the instructor may request to have the course re-opened for the instructor and the student so they can access quizzes, assignments, etc. Please review the full documentation for details.

Can students view their Turnitin originality scores before an assignment is graded?
Yes, if the assignment is not muted; no, if the assignment is muted.
Do I need to inform students that Turnitin is being used in my class

Yes, any course using this software should include a statement in the syllabus. You may use or adapt the following:

“Your instructor may ask you to submit one or more of your writing assignments to the Turnitin plagiarism prevention service via Canvas (do not submit directly to the Turnitin website). Your assignment content will be checked against Internet sources, academic journal articles, and the papers of other OSU students, for common or borrowed content.  Turnitin generates a report that highlights any potentially unoriginal text in your paper. Papers that you submit through Turnitin for this class or any class will be added to the OSU Turnitin database and may be checked against other OSU paper submissions.  You will retain all rights to your written work."

Gradescope: Can I create an instructor-submitted group assignment?

Yes. While Gradescope does not have an official instructor-submitted group assignment option, there is a way to achieve the same result with just a few steps. Read our article on instructor-submitted group assignments in Gradescope for details.

How can I change which email I receive my Canvas notifications?

Each Canvas user at Oregon State has their ONID email address set as their default Canvas email address. Your ONID email address is created from your ONID username, i.e. The ONID email address cannot be removed from Canvas, however it is possible to add other email addresses to Canvas and turn off or adjust settings to prevent or minimize Canvas notifications to your ONID email address. If you are a faculty or staff employee at Oregon State, we highly recommend that you add your employee email address (e.g. to Canvas.

Adding Alternative Email Addresses to Canvas

  1. Click the Account button in the top left corner of the main Canvas menu
  2. Click Settings from the fly-out menu that appears
  3. Click + Email Address in the menu on the right side of the account settings page
  4. Enter your alternative email address into the Email Address field
  5. Click Register Email. A pop-out notification should appear directing you to check your alternative email inbox.
  6. Open your alternative email inbox and locate the confirmation email from
  7. Open the email and click the link within the email with the text "Click here to confirm this registration"
  8. Return to your Canvas account settings page and verify that your email address text color has changed from orange to black - this indicates your email address has been confirmed

Adjusting Which Email Receives Canvas Notifications

  1. Click the Account button in the top left corner of the main Canvas menu
  2. Click Notifications from the fly-out menu that appears
  3. Adjust the frequency of notifications being sent to each confirmed email address in your Canvas account
How can I get help with Canvas?

All OSU Canvas users may get technical support 24 x 7, 365 days a year by phone, live chat, or email. Log into Canvas and click the “Help” button in the Canvas Global Menu (leftmost menu) to access any of these general Canvas support options. If you are an instructor, TA, or staff member and would like to learn more please contact the OSU Canvas team. Alternatively, check out the excellent online help resources in the Canvas Community.

How do I create a media (audio or video) assignment in Canvas?

To create and successfully manage a media assignment in Canvas, use the following two documents. The first document is used by faculty to create the assignment, the second document should be added as a link in the assignment so students have the information they need to complete the assignment.
