What are Kaltura specifications, retention & transfer policies, and reporting procedures?

Click any of the following links for more information on any of these topics:

What are merged and crosslisted course sites in Canvas?

When a course is listed under two different names, e.g. listed as both an undergraduate version and a graduate version OR listed under different designators, it is a crosslisted course. In other words, if the two versions of the course are taught at the same time and place, they should be crosslisted. In order for a course to be technically crosslisted, the crosslist designation must be set in Banner by the Registrar's Office. Once the courses are crosslisted in Banner, a crosslisted course site will appear in Canvas. The crosslisted course will have the same Canvas course code as one of the original sections with the exception of the addition of an "X" to the front of the section number.

If you are teaching or co-teaching multiple sections of the same course, you can use the Course Merge tool in Canvas to create a single merged Canvas course with the multiple sections contained within the course. The tool can be used to merge multiple Ecampus sections together, or to merge multiple on-campus sections together. Ecampus sections cannot be merged with on-campus sections.

What do sections in my merged or crosslisted Canvas courses allow me to do?

Instructors with merged or crosslisted courses in Canvas have new features in Canvas. A few of the features allow the instructor to view which section of the course a student is enrolled in and assign differential due dates to individual sections.

Read the article Section functionality in combined and crosslisted Canvas courses on oregonstate.teamdynamix.com

What is Accessibility Check?

Accessibility Check (also called UDOIT) is a tool for faculty to quickly identify and fix common accessibility issues in their Canvas course content.  This tool is not visible to students in Canvas. A few of the accessibility issues that the tool will detect include missing alternative text for images, poor color contrast, and missing descriptive link text.

Read the article Accessibility Check in Canvas on oregonstate.teamdynamix.com

What is Gradescope?

Gradescope is a suite of tools designed to make grading more consistent, fair, and efficient. Teams can grade scanned exams asynchronously, with or without rubrics; an instructor can grade the same question in all exams (and modify grades for multiple exams simultaneously); a faculty member may review all grading by a single TA and quickly make adjustments; graders can re-use comments/feedback in multiple exams (or modify for individual students). Gradescope also allows instructors to incorporate auto-graded bubble-sheet questions in their exams and assignments; the analytics provide both summary statistics and detailed item analysis.

Read the article Use Gradescope in a Canvas course on oregonstate.teamdynamix.com

What is NameCoach?

NameCoach is a tool that allows you to record your name pronunciation and set your pronouns. The recording and preferred pronouns will be available and visible to others in the course. 

Read the article Use NameCoach to record name pronunciation and set pronouns on oregonstate.teamdynamix.com

What is the best way to use Turnitin?
Turnitin originality reports are especially effective in helping students diagnose problematic passages in their own papers and in helping guide revision of early drafts. By providing clearly marked reports that identify passages that match other sources, originality reports guide students through a careful step by step analysis of their own work.
What is the difference between playlists, channels and categories?

Playlists allow a content owner to group content together for embedding on an external web page. Every time you add a new or remove an item to a Playlist, your embedded player automatically updates to reflect this change.

Channels allow a content owner to group media together in MediaSpace. Additionally, the content owner can restrict access to that channel to a defined list of users (based on ONID usernames).

What is Turnitin and how does it work?

Turnitin is a Web-based service that identifies passages in submitted papers that match passages in other sources, such as websites, articles in scholarly journals, and other student papers. TurnItIn then generates an Originality Report, which highlights passages of matching text. See more information on Turnitin here. Turnitin does not state outright whether or not plagiarism has occurred. Plagiarism is a large category that includes many different behaviors, ranging from poorly paraphrasing a cited source to purchasing a paper and submitting it as one’s own work. While no software can make a blanket statement about whether a paper contains plagiarism, Turnitin does provide originality reports that show which passages from submitted papers match other sources. To make a determination about whether a paper contains plagiarized material, analysis is required. Originality reports make analysis easier and more convenient.

What options are available for sharing my Kaltura media with others?

You have several options for sharing your media with others. Which one(s) you choose will depend on what restrictions you want on who can view the media. Start learning about the different options by reviewing our documentation on sharing your Kaltura videos with others. Alternatively, you may be looking for instructions to share or transfer ownership or permissions of your media.

What type of support do students have?

All OSU Canvas users may access Canvas tech support 24 x 7 x 365 by clicking the Help button in the left-side gray navigation menu. Support is available via phone (844-329-3084 toll free), live chat, and email form through the Help button. Additionally, students can browse the Canvas Student Guides for help documents.

Who can use Canvas?

OSU students are automatically enrolled in Canvas sites when they register for their classes (note that some instructors choose not to activate their Canvas course sites).

Groups and departments who want to use Canvas for training and collaboration may request a Canvas Studio site and enroll anyone with an ONID account.

Read the article Request a Canvas studio site on oregonstate.teamdynamix.com

Why did OSU select Canvas?

From 2012-2014 OSU investigated our options and needs for instructional innovation and technology. Over the course of our campus-wide inquiry, Canvas was preferred by students and instructors alike as the system and technology partner that is in the best position to help us meet our goals. Learn more about the decision for Canvas at OSU.

Why don't I see my course in Canvas?

On a student's Canvas Dashboard, by default, current term, published courses should display. On an instructor's Canvas Dashboard, by default, current or future term, published or unpublished courses should display.

Read the article Course Not Showing in Canvas on oregonstate.teamdynamix.com
