Instructors may add a CanvasTA, Grader, Designer, or Observer via the OSU Instructor Tools link in the course menu, and then opening the Add TA... tool. Instructors cannot add individuals as students. Students can only be added if they register for the course.
Adding a CanvasTA or Grader
In your Canvas course, click the OSU Instructor Tools link in the course menu
Click Add TA . . . on the OSU Instructor Tools page
Click Add New Person
Enter the ONID username in the field for the person you want to add, or use the dropdown menus to search for the individual in a different way, and click Start Search
Select the role next to the person you are adding (e.g., Observer or Designer, Grader, or Observer).
To add someone as a CanvasTA or Grader (roles that require FERPA training), check the box next to "Show FERPA Roles". If the person has not completed FERPA training through the Office of the Registrar, please have the person review FERPA training information provided by the Office of the Registrar. Contact the Office of the Registrar with any questions about FERPA training.
Select the section(s) that the person should be added to
Click Add Person and wait for the screen to refresh
Click Main Page to go back to the Add TA... main screen.
Read the article Add teaching assistants (TAs), graders, designers, or observers to Canvas courses
Canvas Roles and Permissions
Canvas TAs have full access to the course and gradebook.
Graders have full access to the gradebook and SpeedGrader, but cannot add, edit, or delete course content.
Designers can add/edit course content, but have no discussion board or gradebook access.
Observers have read-only access to published content (they can view and download files, and see assignments and quiz descriptions); no access to discussions, roster or gradebook.
Read the article Canvas Roles and Permissions